Quest for Land: Magnum photographer John Vink chooses the iPad for latest project

Quest for Land, an extensive photo reportage to be viewed on the iPad about land issues in Cambodia by John Vink, a Magnum Photos photographer who has been working on these issues over the last 11 years. The application developed by Robert Starkweather contains over 700 photographs, texts written by Robert Carmichael, links to reports […]


Photography book: The Ruins of Detroit by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre

The Ruins of Detroit: a gorgeous book about Detroit, how the city has changed and some storytelling about the decay of a dream, of an industry and an era. Authors Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre depict in 186 amazing photos almost a century of Detroit in empty buildings, ruins and ghostly landscapes. “Ruins are the […]
